
Thursday, August 16, 2007

2007 August Mid Month KAL - Day 1

I should have added the days instruction here so if you didn't receive the email, for whatever reason, you would be able to get the rows for today. I will add the row to this blog daily. Here are Days 1;

Well I bet you thought I forgot...didn't make it to bed tonight at a decent hour so I WILL be sleeping in folks. I am nursing a patient back to health and he was having a rough night.Our second KAL of the month, for those new knitters who joined recently, is a KAL where we learn a new technique, a new stitch or something to stretch our skills. Some of the knitting pro's in our group can help with anyone who feels they are struggling with this one.There are resources on the Internet as well, some for your information




OK...now on with the KAL

Materials- 1 ball double knitting (or sport weight)cotton yarn
Cable Needle
Needles - 4mm (US 6)

Cast on 44 stitches
ROW 1:- knit
ROW 2:- knit
ROW 3:- knit
ROW 4:- knit
ROW 5:- knit
ROW 6:- knit
ROW 7:- k4, [p1, k6]5X, p1, k4.
ROW 8:- k5, [p6, k1]5X , k4.
ROW 9:- k4, *p1, slip next 3 sts on to cable needle,hold in front of work, k3, k3 from cable needle, p1, k6* two times, p1,slip 3 sts on tocable needle, hold in front, k3, k3 from cable needle, p1, k4.

Janet Nogle
Moderator- Monthly Dishcloth Group


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