
Monday, December 11, 2006

Update On Dishcloth Calendar

Hi all, I am adding a few more photos of patterns that will appear in our calendar. I have been working on trying to finish up the calendar and trying to get through my 2300 emails and I am not making much progress in either area's :((

For the rest of today and all day tomorrow I will be doing nothing except trying to get caught up on the emails, you guys have been so good and patient and I really appreciate that but I know you need answers on somethings and just general info and I apologize for not being able to address those emails. So that is all I am going to do for the next few days.

As far as the calendar goes, I have finally received all of the revisions needed on some of the patterns and the extra patterns that some of the contributors wanted to add. So I need to fix those and start the printing. The thing is there is going to be over 40 patterns instead of the original 30 so you are benefiting on that side. Once I can get through all of these emails I can give you a better date when these will be mailed, if I had to make a quess at this point I would say they are going out next Saturday Dec 16th, they are going priority mail so you will have them the following week. So this is where things stand, I wanted to keep everyone in the loop, I will be emailing those who I have received checks from, most I have already done that on but I received quite a few more today. I hate to disappoint you guys you have been so good about everything, thanks. I just am working from 7am to midnight and this can't be good for someone as old as I am :)

So...the red cloth up there over to the left, that would be one of Rainy's cloth she submitted, it is of some beautiful cherries. Rainy is one of those sweet people that you don't come across very often. She has provided so many free cloths and has helped others with their knitting skills, she is real special.

This gorgeous finger tip towel is from the nice folks at Knitwit Heavens who are very very talented, I must have every pattern they ever came up with. Alli and Lisa are excellent people and we are very fortunate to have them involved with this project.

This whole project only came about in September and to get something of this magatude off the ground in the few months we have had says volumes of the contributors to this project. Now that we know that the bigger knitting calendars out there don't care much about the folks that like kitchen and bath items, we plan to do this again BUT start it MUCH sooner than September.

Again, I just want to thank everyone for their support on this project you guys are just awesome, thanks for loving patterns as much as I do :)

Janet Nogle


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