
Thursday, December 14, 2006


I am still way behind on email because I had to finish up the calendar so we can get it printed and I am happy to say that it went to the printer yesterday afternoon WOOHOO

I will have them back in the Friday-Monday time frame and then I will get them out of here. Thanks to all and I appreciate everyone being so patient through this, the promos are still in place. The stitch marker promo will end on Saturday, so any orders received through Saturday will receive the stitch markers (that includes emails dated today, tomorrow and Saturday).

-You can pay with paypal and it will be quicker if you go directly to paypal and use the "send money" mode, just put in my email address of jnogle@cox.net to post the money too. That is the only email set up to receive funds so please make sure you are sending to the correct email. I can also send you an invoice, that will take a little longer however because of the backlog right now.

You can send a check or money order to Janet Nogle, 5828 Thames Way, Las Vegas NV 89110

Calendar is $12.00 + postage of $4.05 if you live in the states
$12.00 + postage of $5.00 if you live in Canada

The remainding options of 2, 3 or 4 calendars will need to go through me to give you the correct postage.

I will update my blog as soon I get the calendars back so everyone knows where this stands.

Janet Nogle


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