Update on Invitations to Join CalendarOverflowPatterns Group
This is just a note to remind everyone that invitations have started to be sent requesting that you join the group to get your patterns.
The patterns will be posted to the "Files" in the group. Just check back here often for updates. I will list, every evening, the emails that were returned and did not reach the intended person for whatever reason. You will then need to get back to me on a resolution, so if you haven't received an invitation by Monday evening, make sure you come back and check this site. Problemed email addresses will be listed here.
It will take a while to get through all the names and when you receive your invitation, select "Join" and you will be able to enter the site and select the patterns you are interested in. They are broken down by subject; cloths, bath items..... The files are Microsoft Word and I will be adding PDF at a later date. If you don't have Word or can't open the file, I have listed a place you can go to retrieve a "viewer" in order to open the documents. This information can be found in the message you receive with your invitation.
Janet Nogle
The patterns will be posted to the "Files" in the group. Just check back here often for updates. I will list, every evening, the emails that were returned and did not reach the intended person for whatever reason. You will then need to get back to me on a resolution, so if you haven't received an invitation by Monday evening, make sure you come back and check this site. Problemed email addresses will be listed here.
It will take a while to get through all the names and when you receive your invitation, select "Join" and you will be able to enter the site and select the patterns you are interested in. They are broken down by subject; cloths, bath items..... The files are Microsoft Word and I will be adding PDF at a later date. If you don't have Word or can't open the file, I have listed a place you can go to retrieve a "viewer" in order to open the documents. This information can be found in the message you receive with your invitation.
Janet Nogle
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